31 research outputs found

    Rugalmas tanulás, rugalmas munkavégzés. Az ontológia alapú tartalommenedzsment lehetőségeinek kiaknázása = Flexible learning, flexible working. Exploiting the potentials of ontology based content management

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    A humánerőforrás-menedzsment (HRM) és az információs technológia (IT) által támogatott oktatás és képzés még soha nem állt egymáshoz olyan közel, mint napjainkban. Egy ideje a tudósok mindkét területen felfedezték azok kölcsönös függőségét. Egyre több publikáció foglalkozik a lehetséges kölcsönhatásokkal és az együttműködés lehetőségeivel. Ez sok izgalmas új kérdéshez és modellek, illetve elméletek kereséséhez vezetett, amelyek minden területre érvényesek, és szilárd alapot alkotnak a kutatók közötti együttműködéshez. Továbbá, tekintve e multidiszciplináris téma alapvető mivoltát és hatáskörét, egy ilyen célkitűzés társadalmi (élethosszig tartó tanulás) és ipari relevanciája (praktikus, használható modellek és rendszerek a mindennapi üzleti folyamatokban) lényeges, eredményei pedig alkalmasint kihatnak a társadalomra és a versenyszférára. A HR- és tudásmenedzsment (KM) által támogatott tanulási rendszerek élvonalában működve jó esélyünk van a nagyfokú nemzetközi érdeklődés felkeltésére, miközben a tudománynak is használunk azzal, hogy előremozdítjuk ezt a köztes területet egy olyan Európában, ahol a strukturális munkanélküliség komoly kockázatként következik a pénzügyi világválságból. Ahogy majd az alábbiakból kiderül, ez a kutatás erre a problémára is megoldást keres. Ezen együttműködés eredményeként kidolgozásra kerülnek egy mobilizált oktatási környezetbe helyezett innovatív munkahely-végzettség megfeleltető rendszer elméleti és tapasztalati alapjai. A tervezett rendszer használatával a hallgatók és/vagy munkavállalók a szóba jövő munkaterületek kritériumai szerint értékelhetnék szakmai tudásukat, és részletes információt kapnának tudásuk hézagjairól. Ez segítene nekik tanulási céljaik meghatározásában, hogy megvagy visszaszerezzenek egy-egy állást

    Labour Market Information Driven, Personalized, OER Recommendation System for Lifelong Learners

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    In this paper, we suggest a novel method to aid lifelong learners to access relevant OER based learning content to master skills demanded on the labour market. Our software prototype 1) applies Text Classification and Text Mining methods on vacancy announcements to decompose jobs into meaningful skills components, which lifelong learners should target; and 2) creates a hybrid OER Recommender System to suggest personalized learning content for learners to progress towards their skill targets. For the first evaluation of this prototype we focused on two job areas: Data Scientist, and Mechanical Engineer. We applied our skill extractor approach and provided OER recommendations for learners targeting these jobs. We conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 12 subject matter experts to learn how our prototype performs in terms of its objectives, logic, and contribution to learning. More than 150 recommendations were generated, and 76.9% of these recommendations were treated as useful by the interviewees. Interviews revealed that a personalized OER recommender system, based on skills demanded by labour market, has the potential to improve the learning experience of lifelong learners.Comment: This paper has been accepted to be published in the proceedings of CSEDU 2020 by SciTePres

    XEL Group Learning – A Socio-technical Framework for Self-regulated Learning

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    We describe XEL-Group Learning, a socio-technical framework for socially oriented e-learning. The aim of the presented framework is to address the lack of holistic pedagogical solutions that take into account motivational theories, socio–technical factors, and cultural elements in social learning networks. The presented framework provides initiatives for collaboration by providing a dynamic psycho-pedagogical recommendation mechanism with validation properties. In this paper, we begin by highlighting the socio-technical concept associated with socially-oriented e-learning. Next, we describe XEL-GL’s main mechanisms such as group formation and the semantic matching framework. Moreover, through semantic similarity measurements, we show how cultural elements, such as the learning subject, can enhance the quality of recommendations by allowing for more accurate predictions of friends networks

    Latent Class Cluster Analysis: Selecting the number of clusters

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    Latent Class Cluster Analysis (LCCA) is an advanced model-based clustering method, which is increasingly used in social, psychological, and educational research. Selecting the number of clusters in LCCA is a challenging task involving inevitable subjectivity of analytical choices. Researchers often rely excessively on fit indices, as model fit is the main selection criterion in model-based clustering; it was shown, however, that a wider spectrum of criteria needs to be taken into account. In this paper, we suggest an extended analytical strategy for selecting the number of clusters in LCCA based on model fit, cluster separation, and stability of partitions. The suggested procedure is illustrated on simulated data and a real world dataset from the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) 2018. For the latter, we provide an example of end-to-end LCCA including data preprocessing. The researcher can use our R script to conduct LCCA in a few easily reproducible steps, or implement the strategy with any other software suitable for clustering. We show that the extended strategy, in comparison to fit indices-based strategy, facilitates the selection of more stable and well-separated clusters in the data. • The suggested strategy aids researchers to select the number of clusters in LCCA • It is based on model fit, cluster separation, and stability of partitions • The strategy is useful for finding separable generalizable clusters in the data

    Combining statistical and machine learning methods to explore German students’ attitudes towards ICT in PISA

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    In our age of big data and growing computational power, versatility in data analysis is important. This study presents a flexible way to combine statistics and machine learning for data analysis of a large-scale educational survey. The authors used statistical and machine learning methods to explore German students’ attitudes towards information and communication technology (ICT) in relation to mathematical and scientific literacy measured by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2015 and 2018. Implementations of the random forest (RF) algorithm were applied to impute missing data and to predict students’ proficiency levels in mathematics and science. Hierarchical linear models (HLM) were built to explore relationships between attitudes towards ICT and mathematical and scientific literacy with the focus on the nested structure of the data. ICT autonomy was an important variable in RF models, and associations between this attitude and literacy scores in HLM were significant and positive, while for other ICT attitudes the associations were negative (ICT in social interaction) or non-significant (ICT competence and ICT interest). The need for further research on ICT autonomy is discussed, and benefits of combining statistical and machine learning approaches are outlined

    A multi-method psychometric assessment of the affinity for technology interaction (ATI) scale

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    In order to develop valid and reliable instruments, psychometric validation should be conducted as an iterative process that “requires a multi-method assessment” (Schimmack, 2019, p. 4). In this study, a multi-method psychometric approach was applied to a recently developed and validated scale, the Affinity for Technology Interaction (ATI) scale (Franke, Attig, & Wessel, 2018). The dataset (N ​= ​240) shared by the authors of the scale (Franke et al., 2018) was used. Construct validity of the ATI was explored by means of hierarchical clustering on variables, and its psychometric properties were analysed in accordance with an extended psychometric protocol (Dima, 2018) by methods of Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT). The results showed that the ATI is a unidimensional scale (homogeneity H ​= ​0.55) with excellent reliability (ω ​= ​0.90 [0.88-0.92]) and construct validity. Suggestions for further improvement of the ATI scale and the psychometric protocol were made

    Metadata analysis of open educational resources

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    Open Educational Resources (OERs) are openly licensed educational materials that are widely used for learning. Nowadays, many online learning repositories provide millions of OERs. Therefore, it is exceedingly difficult for learners to find the most appropriate OER among these resources. Subsequently, the precise OER metadata is critical for providing high-quality services such as search and recommendation. Moreover, metadata facilitates the process of automatic OER quality control as the continuously increasing number of OERs makes manual quality control extremely difficult. This work uses the metadata of 8,887 OERs to perform an exploratory data analysis on OER metadata. Accordingly, this work proposes metadata-based scoring and prediction models to anticipate the quality of OERs. Based on the results, our analysis demonstrated that OER metadata and OER content qualities are closely related, as we could detect high-quality OERs with an accuracy of 94.6%. Our model was also evaluated on 884 educational videos from Youtube to show its applicability on other educational repositories

    Quality Prediction of Open Educational Resources A Metadata-based Approach

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    In the recent decade, online learning environments have accumulated millions of Open Educational Resources (OERs). However, for learners, finding relevant and high quality OERs is a complicated and time-consuming activity. Furthermore, metadata play a key role in offering high quality services such as recommendation and search. Metadata can also be used for automatic OER quality control as, in the light of the continuously increasing number of OERs, manual quality control is getting more and more difficult. In this work, we collected the metadata of 8,887 OERs to perform an exploratory data analysis to observe the effect of quality control on metadata quality. Subsequently, we propose an OER metadata scoring model, and build a metadata-based prediction model to anticipate the quality of OERs. Based on our data and model, we were able to detect high-quality OERs with the F1 score of 94.6%. © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    OER Recommendations to Support Career Development

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    This Work in Progress Research paper departs from the recent, turbulent changes in global societies, forcing many citizens to re-skill themselves to (re)gain employment. Learners therefore need to be equipped with skills to be autonomous and strategic about their own skill development. Subsequently, high-quality, on-line, personalized educational content and services are also essential to serve this high demand for learning content. Open Educational Resources (OERs) have high potential to contribute to the mitigation of these problems, as they are available in a wide range of learning and occupational contexts globally. However, their applicability has been limited, due to low metadata quality and complex quality control. These issues resulted in a lack of personalised OER functions, like recommendation and search. Therefore, we suggest a novel, personalised OER recommendation method to match skill development targets with open learning content. This is done by: 1) using an OER quality prediction model based on metadata, OER properties, and content; 2) supporting learners to set individual skill targets based on actual labour market information, and 3) building a personalized OER recommender to help learners to master their skill targets. Accordingly, we built a prototype focusing on Data Science related jobs, and evaluated this prototype with 23 data scientists in different expertise levels. Pilot participants used our prototype for at least 30 minutes and commented on each of the recommended OERs. As a result, more than 400 recommendations were generated and 80.9% of the recommendations were reported as useful.Comment: This paper has been accepted to be published in the proceedings of IEEE Frontiers In Education (FIE) 2020 by IEEE Xplor